
Category Committee Proposals

The WFCA Category Committee has proposed the following rule changes to be voted on at the 2015 WFCA Fall Meeting on September 12.

1. 2015-16 Category Topics

    All were approved without modification.

Proposal:  Propose the 2016 topics for Moments in History, Special Occasion, and Storytelling.

Moments in History
1940s or 1450-1650 (individual student's choice)

Special Occasion
1.    a speech at a charity event
2.    a speech to the United Nations
3.    a speech at a self-help seminar
4.    a political victory or concession speech

1.    a Latin American story
2.    a story about a holiday
3.    a story about a quest
4.    a story about a force of nature

2. Farrago Proposal:

    Approved without modification.

Clarify the flexibility that students have in how to structure a farrago performance in terms of source citation and whether or not to use transitional introductions. To accomplish this, the WFCA category rules would be amended with the following changes:

Rules for Farrago
2. An introduction, which includes titles, authors, [establishes the] tone and theme is required, and along with any necessary transitions [,if any are used], is to be presented without the use of notes. [All selections must be verbally identified by title and author.  It is at the presenter's discretion where, when, and how to accomplish those identifications.]  The introduction must be the original work of the speaker. The presentation may begin with a read portion of the selected material prior to the presenter’s personal introduction. The student must identify the genre of each selection presented.