These are the tournament invitations that have been received to date for the 2025 season. Refer to the Calendar for the tournament schedule (includes tournaments without invitations not yet released).
All local tournaments are open to all schools (not just WFCA members) and are run independently by each school and therefore may have differences in format and rules which will be listed in the invitation.
Does your tournament do anything out of the ordinary, such as a theme, extra or experimental categories, special awards, or anything else of note such as a tournament in honor of or in memory of someone? If so, submit your blurb and it will be included in the tournament list.
Tournaments are designated as [S] Single Entry, [D] Double Entry, and [T] Triple Entry.
January 11 Arrowhead Tournament [D]
Both Sussex Hamilton’s and Arrowhead’s Forensics Teams invite you and your team to join us for our (hopefully NOT snowed-out!) Lake Country Invitational Traveling Forensics Tournament at Arrowhead High School. We are honored to host the first tournament of the season and we are looking forward to having you in-person on our campus.
January 11 Milwaukee Public Schools Conference Tournament (MPS schools only) [T]
at Ronald Reagan College Prep High School
January 18 Watertown Tournament [D]
The Watertown High School and Luther Preparatory School Forensics teams invite you and your team to the Rock River Forensics Tournament. Our goal is to help teams get the ball rolling for the upcoming competition season!
January 25 Appleton East Tournament [T]
Appleton East High School is pleased to invite you and your forensics team to the “Appleton East Forensics Tournament”.
January 25 DeForest Tournament [D]
Another season is upon us and this year DeForest is proud to announce our regular season tournament.
January 25 Divine Savior Holy Angels Tournament [S]
DSHA welcomes you to our 2nd annual Forensics Tournament.
January 31 (Friday) Milwaukee City Hall Congress (hosted by Marquette University High School)
Marquette University High School Congress Invitation 2025.pdf
February 1 Slinger Tournament [D]
It is with great enthusiasm that we invite you to join us for the 8th WFCA tournament being held at Slinger High School. We look forward to hosting you and your team on what promises to be a great day of competition.
February 1 Sun Prairie West Tournament [D]
The Sun Prairie West High School Forensics team invites you and your team to the Sun Prairie West Forensics Tournament. Our goal is to reach schools in a variety of regions throughout the state. We are prepared to offer a professionally-run, fun and exciting day of competition.
February 1 Wrightstown Tournament [T]
The Wrightstown High School forensics team and administration cordially invite you to the Blue Rose Tournament
February 8 Canceled - Weather: Eau Claire North Tournament [T]
We are excited to invite you and your students to celebrate Valentine’s week by participating in the eighteenth annual Steve Sparks Memorial Forensics Tournament at Eau Claire North High School. This tournament is both WFCA and WISDAA friendly, and students may double or triple enter. Free lunch for all featuring macaroni & cheese!
Eau Claire North 2025 Invitation.pdf
February 8 Madison West Tournament [D] (Student Congress Friday February 7)
The Madison West High School Forensics team invites your team to our 14th annual invitational forensic tournament. It begins with online student congress on Friday, February 7 and speech events on Saturday, February 8, including oratorical declamation, extemp reading and TRIPLE ENTRY!
February 8 Oshkosh West Tournament [T]
The Oshkosh West coaches and forensics team cordially invite you to join us for the Tom Lynch Legacy Tournament.
February 8 West Bend United Tournament [S] (Online Student Congress Friday February 7)
February 15 Durand-Arkansaw Tournament [D]
We are pleased to invite you and your team to the 2025 Durand-Arkansaw High School Forensics Invitational. We are excited to host once again and look forward to a terrific day of high-quality competition!
February 15 Greater Metro Conference Tournament at Sussex Hamilton [S] (conference schools only)
Sussex Hamilton’s Forensics Team invites the Greater Metro Conference Teams to join us for the Greater Metro Conference Forensics Tournament, this year at Sussex Hamilton High School! We are honored to host this year and we are looking forward to having you in-person on our campus.
February 15 Lodi Tournament [D]
The Lodi High School Forensics Team extends a warm and hearty invitation to your to team to attend our tournament
February 15 Oshkosh North Tournament [D]
Oshkosh North is celebrating 10 years on the WFCA calendar, and we invite you to be part of the action!
We have some fun extras planned for Year 10, and whether this will be your first visit to our tournament or if you have been with us for all 10, we strive to provide a professional, organized, and fun day of forensics!
Oshkosh North Invitation 2025.pdf
February 22 Altoona Tournament [T]
We are thrilled to invite you and your students to our returning Forensics Tournament at Altoona High School. This tournament is both WFCA and WISDAA friendly, and students may double or triple enter.
February 22 St. Mary Catholic (Neenah) Tournament [T]
St. Mary Catholic High School invites you to join us for the second annual Zephyrs Classic Tournament
February 22 Sheboygan South Tournament [T] (Student Congress Friday February 21)
On behalf of the administration, forensics staff, and students of Sheboygan South High School, we are pleased to once again open our doors to you for our annual Forensics Tournament. We are excited to offer students the opportunity to double or triple enter in multiple categories once again this year, with the exception that students competing in extemp or radio may not enter in both of those categories.
We are also holding an in-person Student Congress competition on the evening of Friday, February 21st.
MARCH 2025
March 1 Kaukauna Tournament [T]
Kaukauna High School is pleased to invite your team to the the Kaukauna Forensics tournament
March 1 Port Washington Tournament [D]
AHOY! Welcome to another year of the Pirate Invitational!
March 1 Vel Phillips Memorial (Madison) Tournament [T] (Student Congress Friday February 28)
Have your students compete in the TRIATHLON!
March 8 Eau Claire Memorial Tournament [T]
We are excited to invite you and your students to the Eau Claire Memorial High School Annual Forensics Tournament. This year, we're going to pilot an "Instant Feedback Round". After the first round, speakers will get a chance to meet with their judge and get feedback.
March 8 Neenah Tournament [T] (Student Congress Friday March 7)
The Neenah Forensics Team invites you to the Neenah Invitational
Student Ccngress Invitation on
March 8 UW-Whitewater Tournament [T]
The forensics team at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater is excited to welcome high school forensics teams back to the campus for the 2025 Speech Bowl!
March 15 Sun Prairie East Tournament [T]
March 15 Waupaca Tournament [T]
Waupaca High School would like to invite you to our annual Waupaca Green Tournament
The Brookfield East High School Forensics Team is pleased to invite you to the Brookfield East Forensics Tournament
March 22 Fond du Lac Tournament [T]
Welcome to the second annual Lac Tournament! Fond du Lac High School is excited to be back to host another WFCA tournmanet.
APRIL 2025
April 4 (Friday) WFCA State Student Congress at Madison area location to be determined
April 5 (Saturday) WFCA STATE TOURNAMENT at Vel Phillips Memorial High School in Madison [S]
State Tournament and Congress information page
State Tournament details & registration on SpeechWire: