Tournament Invites

Tournament Invitations

These are the tournament invitations that have been received to date for the 2025 season. Refer to the Calendar for the tournament schedule (includes tournaments without invitations not yet released).

All local tournaments are open to all schools (not just WFCA members) and are run independently by each school and therefore may have differences in format and rules which will be listed in the invitation.

Does your tournament do anything out of the ordinary, such as a theme, extra or experimental categories, special awards, or anything else of note such as a tournament in honor of or in memory of someone? If so, submit your blurb and it will be included in the tournament list.

Tournaments are designated as [S] Single Entry, [D] Double Entry, and [T] Triple Entry.




February 1  Sun Prairie West Tournament [D]

The Sun Prairie West High School Forensics team invites you and your team to the Sun Prairie West Forensics Tournament.

MARCH 2025

March 15  Sun Prairie East Tournament [T]

The Sun Prairie East High School Forensics team invites you and your team to the Sun Prairie East Forensics Tournament. Due to building reservation conflicts, the tournament will be held IN PERSON at Sun Prairie WEST High School (2850 Ironwood Dr).
March 22  Brookfield East Tournament [D]  (Student Congress Friday March 21)

The Brookfield East High School Forensics Team is pleased to invite you to the Brookfield East Forensics Tournament

 APRIL 2025

April 4 (Friday)  WFCA State Student Congress at Madison area location to be determined

April 5 (Saturday)  WFCA STATE TOURNAMENT at Vel Phillips Memorial High School in Madison [S]

State Tournament and Congress information page

State Tournament details & registration on SpeechWire: