State Tourn. Results

Seventy Three teams participated in the 36th annual State Tournament on April 22, 2006, at Ripon College.

Place                Points       Competing           Code       School

Division I School Results

      1st                325                25                8       Appleton East
      1st                325                25              32      James Madison Memorial
      2nd               309                25              55      Brookfield East
      3rd                268                25                2       Sheboygan North
      4th                251                25              45      Homestead
      5th                246                25              42      Hartford Union
      6th                176                23              54      Rufus King
      7th                159                20                5       Sheboygan South
      8th                121                16              43      Sussex Hamilton

Division II School Results

      1st                  232                  25          71         Marquette
      2nd                 209                  25          50         Cedarburg
      3rd                  194                  24          49         Wauwatosa East
      4th                  180                  21          21         Deforest
      5th                  170                  22          30         Waupaca
      6th                  157                  25          57         Hortonville
      7th                    94                  13          59         Slinger
      8th                    93                  13          22         New London

Division III School Results

      1st                  225                  25          51         Algoma
      2nd                 208                  24          68         Durand
      3rd                  145                  23          25         Black Hawk
      4th                    91                  15          36         Fox Valley Lutheran
      5th                    88                  10          17         St Lawrence
      6th                    79                  12          23         Sheboygan Christian
      7th                    78                  12          40         Lodi
      8th                    72                    8          66         Valley Christian


      1st     (32A1) - James Madison Memorial - Micah Herstand
      2nd    (32A2) - James Madison Memorial - Katie Gesbeck
      3rd     (5A1) - Sheboygan South - Melissa Harns
      4th     (55A1) - Brookfield East - Lisa Breu
      5th     (17A1) - St Lawrence - Plillipe Salvucci
      6th     (32A3) - James Madison Memorial - Nemaratta Sehgal
      Semi  (8A1) - Appleton East - Emily Rexford
      Semi  (26A1) - Bonduel -
      Semi  (24A1) - Divine Savior Holy Angels -
      Semi  (69A1) - Middleton -
      Semi  (6A1) - St Croix Falls -
      Semi  (30A2) - Waupaca –

Duo Interpretation

      1st     (32X2) - James Madison Memorial - Maddy Wilson & Spencer Retelle
      2nd    (8X1) - Appleton East - Sarah DeSalvo & Kyle Krueger
      3rd     (32X1) - James Madison Memorial - Taylor Martin & Nathaniel Lutes
      4th     (52X1) - Ripon - Dan Olson & Cody Olson
      5th  (jp)       (55X1) - Brookfield East - Kabir Daya and Alyssa Lamers
      6th  (jp)       (7X1) - Eau Claire North - Jessica Walter & Melinda Johns
      Semi  (57X1) - Hortonville -
      Semi  (71X1) - Marquette -
      Semi  (2X2) - Sheboygan North -
      Semi  (2X1) - Sheboygan North -
      Semi  (43X1) - Sussex Hamilton –

Extemporaneous Speaking

      1st     (32B1) - James Madison Memorial - Janani Iyengar
      2nd    (16B1) - Appleton West - Jon Ebben
      3rd     (52B1) - Ripon - Cali Kope-Katsen
      4th     (45B2) - Homestead - Aparana Bhaduri
      5th     (8B1) - Appleton East - DJ Anderson
      6th     (2B1) - Sheboygan North - Noah Trilling
      7th     (8B3) - Appleton East - Mike Powell
      Semi  (8B2) - Appleton East - Amanda Smits
      Semi  (55B1) - Brookfield East - Jennifer Limbach
      Semi  (42B1) - Hartford Union -
      Semi  (45B1) - Homestead -
      Semi  (57B1) - Hortonville -
      Semi  (5B1) - Sheboygan South -
      Semi  (64B1) - Trinity Academy -
      Semi  (49B1) - Wauwatosa East –


      1st     (8C1) - Appleton East - Jackie Zwerg
      2nd    (2C1) - Sheboygan North - Katie Schroeder
      3rd (jp)       (8C2) - Appleton East - Elizabeth Sauter
      4th (jp)       (11C1) - Parkview - Chynna Haas
      5th     (42C1) - Hartford Union - Jamie Wilhelm
      6th     (68C2) - Durand - Christine Speaker
      Semi  (51C2) - Algoma - Brittany Schmidt
      Semi  (55C1) - Brookfield East - Lauren Goodspeed
      Semi  (42C3) - Hartford Union - Shelby Yahn
      Semi  (42C2) - Hartford Union - Emma Baker
      Semi  (45C2) - Homestead - Alicia Azris
      Semi  (45C1) - Homestead - Charlotte Sivanich
      Semi  (71C1) - Marquette - Patrick Carter
      Semi  (2C2) - Sheboygan North - Christine De Nardis
      Semi  (59C1) - Slinger - Kelly Rettig

Four Minute Speaking

      1st     (32D1) - James Madison Memorial - Albert Li
      2nd    (7D1) - Eau Claire North - James Kust
      3rd     (51D2) - Algoma - Robert DeMeuse
      4th     (21D1) - Deforest - Jessica Suchomel
      5th     (68D4) - Durand - Alicia Saddoris
      6th     (2D2) - Sheboygan North - Jamie Yang
      7th     (24D1) - Divine Savior Holy Angels - Melanie Khanna
      Semi  (51D3) - Algoma - Julie Bohn
      Semi  (55D1) - Brookfield East - Sarah Naumann
      Semi  (21D2) - Deforest -
      Semi  (71D1) - Marquette -
      Semi  (54D4) - Rufus King - Julia Shaw
      Semi  (19D1) - Sheboygan Falls -
      Semi  (2D1) - Sheboygan North - Stephanie Larson

Group Discussion

      1st     (71Z1) - Marquette - JP Lindsey
      2nd    (56Z1) - Neenah - Osahon Okundaye
      3rd     (45Z2) - Homestead - Emily Hellman
      4th     (71Z4) - Marquette - Greg Herbers
      5th     (71Z3) - Marquette - Mark Kettler
      6th     (72Z1) - Wauwatosa West - April Ross
      Semi  (51Z3) - Algoma -
      Semi  (42Z1) - Hartford Union -
      Semi  (22Z1) - New London -
      Semi  (48Z1) - Nicolet -
      Semi  (54Z2) - Rufus King - Nicholas Nowak
      Semi  (54Z3) - Rufus King - Colin Winkelmann
      Semi  (61Z2) - Shorewood -
      Semi  (61Z1) - Shorewood –

Group Interpretation

      1st     (23E2) - Sheboygan Christian - Zach Kidder, Zach Vis and Andrea Sizemore
      2nd  (jp)      (8E2) - Appleton East - Emily Ehlert, Danielle Harmann & Kate Sinclair
      3rd  (jp)       (8E3) - Appleton East - Fiona McCarty, Hattie Berchausen & Katie Rogers
      4th  (jp)       (45E1) - Homestead - Colleen Umhoefer, Maria Hartwig, Kristin Klaffenbo
      5th  (jp)       (8E1) - Appleton East - Andrea Fredricks, Maggie Wilson & Katie Wilson
      6th     (2E3) - Sheboygan North - Erin Britton, Tricai Lutze, Katie Henderson
      Semi  (21E1) - Deforest -
      Semi  (68E3) - Durand -
      Semi  (40E1) - Lodi -
      Semi  (49E2) - Wauwatosa East -
      Semi  (49E3) - Wauwatosa East –

Lincoln Douglas Debate

      Co-Champion       (8Q2) - Appleton East - Corey Barwick
      Co-Champion       (8Q1) - Appleton East - Emily Kapszukiweicz
      Semi-finalist          (55Q1) - Brookfield East - Morgan Schumann
      Semi-finalist          (35Q1) - Winneconne - Kyle Felker

Moments In History

      1st     (8F1) - Appleton East - Katie Thiel
      2nd    (46F1) - Appleton North - Megan Baker
      3rd     (21F1) - Deforest - Teague Harvey
      4th     (25F1) - Black Hawk - Tommy Butts
      5th     (68F1) - Durand - Vanessa Johnson
      6th     (5F1) - Sheboygan South - Martina Skalova
      Semi  (55F1) - Brookfield East - Cindy Guo
      Semi  (50F1) - Cedarburg - Steve Ward
      Semi  (40F1) - Lodi -
      Semi  (71F1) - Marquette -
      Semi  (1F1) - Shoreland Lutheran -
      Semi  (59F1) - Slinger –

Oral Interp of Literature

      1st     (55G1) - Brookfield East - David Freitag
      2nd    (30G2) - Waupaca - Kelly Krumsee
      3rd     (8G1) - Appleton East - Marissa Manske
      4th     (21G1) - Deforest - Leigh Ann Maerz
      5th (jp)       (37G1) - Bradley Tech - Jessica Miles
      6th (jp)       (55G2) - Brookfield East - Heidi Wacker
      Semi  (50G1) - Cedarburg - Marggie Drees
      Semi  (57G1) - Hortonville - Lisa McCarthy
      Semi  (22G1) - New London - Kyle Westphal
      Semi  (54G1) - Rufus King - Rene Kissell
      Semi  (33G2) - West Bend East - Lauren Beine
      Semi  (33G1) - West Bend East - Amanda Hirschmann
      Semi  (35G1) - Winneconne - Kisa Tate


      1st     (55H1) - Brookfield East - Kelsey Palmer
      2nd (jp)      (55H2) - Brookfield East - Lauren Zwirlen
      3rd (jp)       (30H2) - Waupaca - Jacci Rickel
      4th     (32H1) - James Madison Memorial - Swathi Damodoran
      5th     (32H2) - James Madison Memorial - Katrina Forman
      6th     (2H1) - Sheboygan North - Parvathi Santhosh-Kumar
      Semi  (45H1) - Homestead - Carline Fortney
      Semi  (53H1) - Milwaukee HS Arts - Kirsten Wisniewski
      Semi  (22H1) - New London - Shauna McFaul
      Semi  (2H2) - Sheboygan North - Mai Nyia Lee
      Semi  (5H2) - Sheboygan South - Rebbeca Kesting
      Semi  (5H1) - Sheboygan South - Ellen Bins
      Semi  (30H1) - Waupaca - Mike Pearson
      Semi  (49H3) - Wauwatosa East - Brittney Check

Play Acting

      1st     (32K2) - James Madison Memorial – Elana Colas & Josh Kellerman
      2nd    (18K1) - Delavan Darien - Jazmin Vollmar, Mike Fell
      3rd     (8K1) - Appleton East - Steve Bermeister & Clinton Dybul
      4th  (jp)      (60K1) - Waunakee - David M., Dustin Hardy, Brandon Adams
      5th  (jp)       (69K1) - Middleton - M. Weseme, J. Klump, L. Kronser, J. Hovey
      6th     (17K1) - St Lawrence - Gabe Fall, Bill Huddleston, Adam Librande & Philip Van Asten
      Semi  (21K1) - Deforest - Crysal Porter, Chad Bey
      Semi  (42K1) - Hartford Union - Jordan Jaeger, Peter Schuette, David Scholatthauer
      Semi  (32K1) - James Madison Memorial - Ben Mueller & Joel Van Haren
      Semi  (3K2) - Plymouth - Sam Reinke, Emily Azzalino
      Semi  (64K1) - Trinity Academy - Maria Mitchell, Lisa Regner, Adam Williams

Poetry Interpretation

      1st     (55L1) - Brookfield East - Stephanie Braun
      2nd    (32L2) - James Madison Memorial - Elizabeth Ince
      3rd     (37L1) - Bradley Tech - Stephanie Brown
      4th     (32L1) - James Madison Memorial - Jerad Worzalla
      5th     (45L1) - Homestead - Breanna Hilby
      6th     (8L2) - Appleton East - Leah Tabbert
      Semi  (8L1) - Appleton East - Emily Wagner
      Semi  (8L3) - Appleton East - Amber Gordon
      Semi  (37L2) - Bradley Tech - Pamela Brown
      Semi  (68L3) - Durand - Becky Sabelko
      Semi  (45L3) - Homestead -
      Semi  (20L1) - Milwaukee Vincent -
      Semi  (54L3) - Rufus King - Roxanne Watts

Prose Interpretation

      1st     (32M2) - James Madison Memorial - Matt Scales
      2nd    (8M2) - Appleton East - Brandon Ponschock
      3rd (jp)       (55M2) - Brookfield East - Margie Li
      4th (jp)       (8M1) - Appleton East - Kalle Palm
      5th     (32M1) - James Madison Memorial - Margaret Caneef
      6th     (55M1) - Brookfield East - Claire M. Anderson
      7th     (33M1) - West Bend East - Patrick Campbell
      Semi  (12M1) - Brookfield Central -
      Semi  (45M3) - Homestead -
      Semi  (45M1) - Homestead -
      Semi  (71M1) - Marquette -
      Semi  (69M1) - Middleton -
      Semi  (70M1) - New Glarus -
      Semi  (22M1) - New London -
      Semi  (23M1) - Sheboygan Christian -
      Semi  (2M2) - Sheboygan North -
      Semi  (73M1) - West Bend West –

Public Address

      1st     (66P1) - Valley Christian - Oliver Zornow
      2nd    (26P1) - Bonduel - Bashair Burvin
      3rd     (32P1) - James Madison Memorial - Tosha Songolo
      4th     (32P2) - James Madison Memorial - C. J. Plunkett
      5th (jp)       (45P1) - Homestead - Mina Bakhtiar
      6th (jp)       (54P1) - Rufus King - Amjad Asad
      Semi  (51P1) - Algoma - Rae Zeman
      Semi  (21P1) - Deforest - Linsey Laufenberg
      Semi  (68P1) - Durand - Jennifer Gianforte
      Semi  (57P2) - Hortonville - Valerie Wojcik
      Semi  (2P1) - Sheboygan North - Katie Kozak
      Semi  (17P1) - St Lawrence - Ben Polgreen
      Semi  (66P2) - Valley Christian - Rebecca Dempsey
      Semi  (72P1) - Wauwatosa West - Shazia Ali

Radio Announcing

      1st     (32R1) - James Madison Memorial – Connor Gants
      2nd    (55R1) - Brookfield East - Casey McCall
      3rd     (2R1) - Sheboygan North - Joe Hohmann
      4th     (60R1) - Waunakee - Kara Lussenden
      5th (jp)       (42R1) - Hartford Union - Tim Williamson
      6th (jp)       (45R1) - Homestead - Scott Schmitz
      Semi  (8R1) - Appleton East - Dan Sinclair
      Semi  (37R1) - Bradley Tech - Johntelly Sebree
      Semi  (42R2) - Hartford Union - Emily Zachek
      Semi  (38R1) - Notre Dame Academy - Tom Houser
      Semi  (54R1) - Rufus King - Myra Lam
      Semi  (59R1) - Slinger - Derek Merten
      Semi  (6R2) - St Croix Falls - Sarah Andrewson
      Semi  (30R2) - Waupaca - Alicia Taggatz

Solo Acting Humorous

      1st     (55S1) - Brookfield East - Phillip Bridge
      2nd    (32S1) - James Madison Memorial – Chelsea Burris
      3rd (jp)       (71S1) - Marquette - Patrick Benson
      4th (jp)       (2S3) - Sheboygan North - Mike Theune
      5th     (2S1) - Sheboygan North - Nate Griffith
      6th     (72S1) - Wauwatosa West - Jonathan Spence
      Semi  (51S1) - Algoma - Matt Farley
      Semi  (51S2) - Algoma - Bethany Zeitler
      Semi  (8S1) - Appleton East - Laura Huizenga
      Semi  (55S3) - Brookfield East - Matt Grebe
      Semi  (42S2) - Hartford Union - Jared Rodgers
      Semi  (2S4) - Sheboygan North - Kirsten Hyer
      Semi  (47S3) - Sun Prairie - Jud Riggins

Solo Acting Serious

      1st     (32T1) - James Madison Memorial – Miranda Morgan
      2nd    (2T1) - Sheboygan North - Katie Bartholomew
      3rd (jp)       (25T1) - Black Hawk - Alysse Good
      4th (jp)       (8T1) - Appleton East - Emily Schwanke
      5th     (30T1) - Waupaca - Meg Coe
      6th     (71T1) - Marquette - Peter Andersen
      Semi  (55T1) - Brookfield East - Ben Tully
      Semi  (55T2) - Brookfield East - Maggie Bridges
      Semi  (50T3) - Cedarburg - Maggie Oliver
      Semi  (45T2) - Homestead -
      Semi  (47T3) - Sun Prairie -
      Semi  (49T1) - Wauwatosa East –

Special Occasion Speaking

      1st     (71V2) - Marquette - Teng Yang
      2nd    (66V1) - Valley Christian - Paul Menn
      3rd     (25V1) - Black Hawk - Ferges King
      4th     (66V2) - Valley Christian - Casey Janssen
      5th     (68V2) - Durand - Danielle Smiley
      6th     (51V1) - Algoma - Brett Hartel
      7th     (71V1) - Marquette -
      Semi  (37V1) - Bradley Tech - Shaun Wess
      Semi  (55V1) - Brookfield East - Shilpa Talwalker
      Semi  (68V1) - Durand -
      Semi  (32V1) - James Madison Memorial – Kate Rifkin
      Semi  (2V1) - Sheboygan North -
      Semi  (59V2) - Slinger -
      Semi  (72V1) - Wauwatosa West –


      1st     (36W1) - Fox Valley Lutheran - Timmy Fauwites
      2nd (jp)      (32W1) - James Madison Memorial – Elise Reinemann
      3rd  (jp)       (51W1) - Algoma - Ashton Savoie
      4th     (42W4) - Hartford Union - Stephanie Hanson
      5th     (42W2) - Hartford Union - Abby Kirchman
      6th     (71W1) - Marquette - Anthony DeVito
      Semi  (8W1) - Appleton East - Gabi Valenti-Hein
      Semi  (55W2) - Brookfield East - Meg Moshe
      Semi  (55W1) - Brookfield East - Sanat Parikh
      Semi  (7W1) - Eau Claire North -
      Semi  (42W3) - Hartford Union -
      Semi  (42W1) - Hartford Union -
      Semi  (69W2) - Middleton -
      Semi  (43W1) - Sussex Hamilton -
      Semi  (49W1) - Wauwatosa East -

Student Congress Super-Session

      1st      Myra Lam – Rufus King
      2nd     Amjad Asad – Rufus King
      3rd      Asad Asad – Rufus King
      4th      Mike Pearson – Waupaca
      5th      Patrick Campbell – West Bend East
      6th      DJ Anderson – Appleton East
      Finalist       Amanda Smits – Appleton East
      Finalist       Alicia Taggatz – Waupaca
      Finalist       Caitlin Peterson – Appleton East
      Finalist       Jarrett Wiesolek – Cedarburg
      Finalist       Michael Powell – Appleton East
      Finalist       Meg Coe – Waupaca


      1st      (21B01)       Deforest -
      2nd     (60S01)       Waunakee -
      3rd      (13S01)       University School -
      4th      (35V01)       Winneconne -
      5th      (66C01)       Valley Christian -
      6th      (03W02)      Plymouth -